Sunday, February 16, 2014

7 Helpful Tips to Improve Your Facebook Page

Intro by Laurie Epps

Facebook has changed how we interact as a society overall. Want to find my blog? Want to see my new dress we were just talking about? It's all there, right on my wall awaiting the virtual world to discover it.

But as a writer, we also need to market ourselves with the public. For me, this has meant adding a separate writer page to Facebook. How can we use that forum to best represent us to our public? Here to walk us through the do's and don'ts is my guest blogger, Melisa Marzett.

Many small businesses have a company page on Facebook these days. It’s easy and quick way to get in touch with a large audience of your clients, people you collaborate with and many others. But I bet you still don’t get the best out of your page or consider Facebook promotion not enough efficient. If so, then check the following tips that can help you to improve the engagement of your followers and achieve your marketing goals: 

1.    Do a research among the competitiors and the leaders of your field. Check their websites and social media pages. Which of them are most popular? What kind of posts gets more likes and shares? Learn the good examples to implement their tactics on your page in the future.

2.     Vary the types of the content you post. Everybody knows that the content should be more visual, but don’t let it turn into posting the pictures only. Post pictures, videos, polls, promos, external links or simply engaging content.

3.     Add smileys to your posts. As the reports show, adding smileys will ensure more likes to your post. They easily add more emotions than the plain text only, and people react more positively to such posts.

4.     Share timely and up-to-dated content as well. If there are any events around everybody’s talking about, mention them in your post, add your opinion or engage the conversation. It doesn’t mean that you should cite the latest news. But if you ignore some political or cultural big thing, you’ll look self-concentrated.

5.     Use the advantages of Facebook apps. Engage your readers by adding the apps relevant to what you do or simply popular or useful ones. There are even the apps for running contests! Check the most popular ones and start using them yourself.

6.     Don’t manage the page from your desktop only. Of course, you shouldn’t be always online as it takes really a lot of time. But if you spend on Facebook about a hour per day, you risk to miss important conversations or questions from your subscribers. So, check your page at least several time a day, or learn to manage it on the go.

7.     Use call to actions. It’s proven that the posts which contain call to action or in which you ask the followers to share or like the post, do collect more likes or shares. Just don’t let the standard “what do you think?” or “like this post” at the end of each post. It will look irritating. Think about various things, ask to click the link to see the full version of the post, etc. Don’t overdo, and the calls will work for you.
About the author: Melisa Marzett is  a recent graduate of the University of Phoenix, and works as part of the team of smart essay writers. To view their site, go to She always enjoys learning something new and writing about business, social media, marketing and many other topics. Contact her on:">G

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